やっほ~!!自分が挑戦したことを共有しまーす!in Englishでね(笑)
What I did
I did MC for the event which is held in Kita-nagoya City, Aichi Pref. There are two MCs, I and foreign teacher who is the main MC. The event was for children to learn English. It was my big challenge to do the MC because it was first time for me to do it like this big event. So, I was really nervous. I also looked the handbook for the event many many times before starting. “You can do it!!!!” Lots of staff cheered me up, which made me impressed.
English event was started. My heart beat got faster and faster.
Firstly, we introduced ourselves. After that, we played some games as an ice break. For example, name game which I like. That is because I’m able to remember their names quickly. This made children happy a little because they still seem to be nervous. However, children also were becoming happy because they were called by their names. It’s really difficult for me to support the main MC because I had to think about how I speak to children to make them understand easily. How difficult I help the MC!!!!
Secondly, we learned about one of the foreign countries. I explained the meaning of the color of its flag. For example, the red circle on the flag has the meaning of sun. Then, we sang a song. Its lyric was so excited. It was about hot dog because we would make it for lunch.

Thirdly, it was time to cooking!!! The main MC and another staff explained how to make hot dogs and potato salad for children. It was not my turn, but I helped them because they needed more power to mash potatoes. Lunch was super great taste.
Lastly, we danced for fun. I leaded children to be able to dance. Also, we did the dance which is famous for its foreign country. It was very difficult, but we had a lot of fun.
What I learned
I learned many things from this event. I think that it’s important for everyone to do gesture to make them understand. If I don’t know how to explain, it’s useful to use gesture to have communication with people. Also, when staffs get excited for children, many of them will be excited. That means it’s important to enjoy it.
Hey,,,,,, why did I close my eyes when someone took a picture !!!!!!?????? Looks like thinking something… Oh my gosh…. Anyway, that was super wonderful event for me. I want to do MC if next event is coming.
The more interesting things we challenge, the more fantastic things we’re able to experience.
Thank you for reading.
Best wishes ましゅ